Moving Licenses to Another Customer
Some customers have more than one account in Partner Central, and sometimes they need to move their licenses between accounts. For example, it might be necessary when the accounts correspond to different units of an organization, and organizational changes take place. Or when a customer decides to consolidate all licenses under one account.
You can move license keys from one customer to another if your account has access to multiple customer accounts and the permission to move license keys.
To move one or more licenses at once:
Go to the Manage Licenses tab and select the licenses you want to move to another customer. To display specific licenses, you can filter the list of all licenses using a search query.
To select all the licenses in the list, select the corresponding checkbox in the table header.
In the menu, click More > Move.
Specify the customer account to which you want to move the selected licenses, and any comments, if necessary.
Alternatively, you can move a single license by using the license details screen:
- Go to the Manage Licenses tab and in the list of licenses click the number of the license that you want to move. To fins a specific license, you can filter the list of all licenses using a search query.
- In the menu, click More > Move.
- Specify the customer account to which you want to move the selected license, and any comments, if necessary.